Thursday, November 8, 2012

Week 10 – Voting, Veterans’ Day, Virtues & Victory

A Week in Review
November 5th – November 8th


We had a short, but busy week here in Room 210! We learned all about the electoral college and how popular votes count AND all the other fun subjects in 5th grade. 

I know the next few weeks will just fly by; with a 4 day week and another 3 day week, we have a bunch to fit in!  Please do feel free to drop me a line if you and your family will be traveling over the next few weeks and I’ll do my best to prepare your student! 

News from Band/Orchestra and the 5th Grade Teachers:
This is just a reminder that Band and Orchestra instruments are to be brought back and forth to school by the students.  We realize that some are large and need to stay at school or cannot go on the bus and that is fine.  We are referring to forgotten instruments.  Many students have been asking to call home for instruments.  We do not allow this.  If you notice that your child has forgotten their instrument and you bring it in for them PLEASE leave it in the office.  Students know to check there before they go to band and orchestra.  There is no need to email or call.  Bringing the instruments into the classroom or hallways is a distraction.  We are working to teach each student responsibility and independence, this is one simple way to do that.  If they forget their instrument perhaps the consequence will encourage a change in behavior. 

Thank you for supporting this rule.
5th graders are really digging deep into the Peg Kehret Read Aloud, “Five Pages a Day”.  We’re nearing the end of this autobiography non-fiction text, and I think kids are sad that it’s almost over.  There have been a variety of writing strategies that Peg suggests for writers of all ages; she even keeps a record of all her ideas in an “Idea Box”.  This author also has written a plethora of novels and here are some of her great works:  Nightmare Mountain, Don’t Go Near Mrs. Tallie, The Stranger Next Door, Spy Cat, Shelter Dogs, I’m Not Who You Think I Am and many more!  We hope to complete this Read Aloud by next Friday and begin our next selection (Realistic Fiction text by Andrew Clements) the week of Thanksgiving Break. 


Students worked this week to strengthen their writing. We looked at samples of students’ work and their use of similes to show comparisons that made the writing clearer for their readers. We also revised our memoirs by strengthening our verbs. After the “Toss our Tired Verbs” lesson, we ‘put tired verbs to bed’! We are working diligently to avoid using these tired verbs in our everyday writing. We have a poster of a bed on the back wall and as we come across overused verbs in our writing, we ‘put them to bed’ by adding them to the poster. This poster is a visual reminder for us to strengthen our writing.


This week students were able to practice skills of interpreting data on bar and line graphs.  In small groups (and independently), 5th graders worked to create graphs of their own using a variety of whole numbers as well as decimals.  We also worked on rounding and estimating decimal numbers and the importance of using estimation as a way to check if our exact answer is reasonable or not.

Today we wrapped up our third portion of the Unit #1 with “Changing the flow of the water to a FLOOD” – one of the last stream tables. This was a session of inquiry assessments given throughout the week – in collaboration with the University of Washington.  I’m excited to look over student work as it involves designing their own experiment involving stream tables.  Next week, we’ll begin creating topographic maps and by the beginning of December should be wrapping up our very first unit of Science (just in time for Report Cards)! 


I’m so very impressed by the respect and enthusiasm our students showed for our Virtues Parents, Karyn O. (Kate) and Gina M. (Katie). Our Virtue for the month of November is THANKFULNESS. Students wrote what they are thankful for on fabric leaves and our Virtues Parents created a class tree displaying our thoughts of gratitude. The vase will stand as reminder for us of what we are thankful for. I’m thankful for our wonderful Virtues Parents and the thoughtfulness they put into their lessons.

Veterans’ Day:
An Invitation for all Veterans & Families
Please join our Medina Tigers and community in celebrating our very special Veterans.  You’ll be in for a treat with a fun filled assembly including singing, poetry and guest speakers!  We hope to see you bright and early at 8:15 on Wednesday, November 14th.  Make sure to join us after our assembly for light refreshments following our celebration in honoring our Veterans.  
An RSVP is greatly appreciated so we can anticipate the number of guests expected. 

5th Grade Advanced Math Club:
Please see the attached letter regarding this amazing opportunity for our kiddos!  Let me know if you have any questions and I’ll be sure to pass along to Mrs. Hamilton! Also, if there are enough students for two classes, I will be teaching the Advanced Math Club as well.



Let’s hope for a HUSKY and SEAHAWKS VICTORY this weekend! Have a great 4-day break from school! 


~Mrs. Hatlestad

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