A Week in Review
March 11 - March 15
Dear Families in Room 210,
We had a short week but it was packed with lots of learning
none-the-less! Read below to see what we’ve been up to:
Virtue Awards
Sarah Z. has earned a Virtues Award for showing the virtues of DILIGENCE and RESPECT. Sarah is a hard working student, she takes her learning seriously and she is always respectful to her classmates and teachers!
This week, students finished their backgrounds for their graduation project. On MONDAY, March 18 and TUESDAY, March 19, students will be filming their project with Ms. Benay. They should bring their props and anything else they need for filming. They cannot wear green or white as it will make them invisible on film! Please make sure they dress accordingly on Monday and Tuesday.
In math, we
continued working on multiplying decimals with whole numbers and other decimal
numbers. They learned the importance of place value and location of the decimal
point. They have practiced and practiced their decimal multiplication by using
the short-cut method, mental math, and estimation. They can solve story
problems and catch their errors by writing neatly. Next week, we will begin
dividing with decimals!
“It’s erupting!” This week in Science,
we wrapped up our Mixtures and Solutions unit continuing our learning about Chemical
Reactions. We learned that a formation of a precipitate occurs in some chemical reactions and that some products of a reaction are soluble and can be observed only after evaporating the solution. We also took our unit assessment with our
University of Washington partners!
week we began Episode 3 of our Colonial Story Path. Students met in families to
brainstorm and begin researching their family job or “trade”. After researching over several days AND using
a variety of sources; the 5th graders will write a historical fiction account
of “A Day in the Life” of a… Shipwright, Silversmith, Pub Owner,
etc. Students will also include a bibliography
of the many resources used for research.
Some may include Brain Pop!, Colonial Williamsburg, www.history.org!
This week we continued our Expository
Essay Writing Assessment about making healthy choices. Students worked to write their rough drafts, next week they will work in partners to revise, edit, and publish their writing.
We continued our class read aloud of Johnny Tremain with Mrs. Bethel’s class. The details in the story tie in with our social studies unit as it helps students understand what it was like living in Colonial Boston Times. Students also continue to work on their DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment).
Our Virtues moms were back on Wednesday, teaching students about our Virtue of the Month, ASSERTIVENESS. Karyn (Kate) and Deena (Isabelle) used the analogy of not being a 'mouse' and allowing yourself to be taken advantage of or being a 'monster' and reacting overly aggressive. Students role played using the "just right" middle between mouse and monster to practice assertiveness. Students also created a class poster, displaying our strengths. It was a great lesson, one that was very timely with middle school right around the corner.
WOW! The books and display boards that have been
turned in are fabulous! It is so exciting seeing their hard work come
together. The students enjoyed sharing with each other what they learned about their family and looking at each other's books. A special thank you to Deena (Isabelle) for volunteering her time on Monday to help students put their books together in class. - Heritage Night, Wednesday, April 3rd from 6-8
- Students will prepare a 1 minute speech to give on Heritage Family Night. We will discuss
- this in class and we will practice
As you can tell, even though it was a short week, we were busy! There are
only 3 weeks left until our Spring Break and they are FILLED with learning,
activities, and fun!
~Mrs. Hatlestad
Upcoming Events:
18-19-March-Filming Graduation Projects with Ms. Benay (in class)
18-22-March-Science Week20-March-Science Fair 5:30-7:30pm
22-March-Egg Drop (Optional) 8:30-12pm
22-March-Spirit Day!
23-March-Queen’s Quest Chess Tournament
29-March-Report Cards sent home
25-30 March-Missoula Children’s Theater
03-April-Heritage Project Family Night 6-8:30, gym
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