Friday, May 31, 2013

A Week in Review
May 27 - 31
Our short week has come to an end, but we packed a lot of learning into it! We also won the Box Top popcorn party for 5th grade and enjoyed our treats on Friday, courtesy of the PTA! Thank you to everyone that was able to donate Box Tops!
Virtue Awards:
Rose H. has earned a Virtue Award for demonstrating the virtues of HELPFULNESS and SERVICE. Rose is always willing to help organize our class Science materials, pick up the floor, or assist a friend. Her friendly and helpful nature are appreciated!

Our read aloud, Johnny Tremain continues to align seamlessly with our Social Studies curriculum. We worked this week to infer the character's feelings as they spy for the Patriots, as well as understanding the danger they put themselves into. In the book, we learned how the British were preparing for their battle at Lexington and Concord and we are approaching the historical ride of Paul Revere as seen through the main character's eyes.

We've begun our final student-teacher writing conferences with "Our Favorite Pet" persuasive essays. These 1:1 conferences, give me a time to set goals with students, give focused feedback, and occasionally reteach a writing strategy. Students are working diligently to publish their final drafts.
This week we focused on dividing fractions and using the algorithm to help us solve these equations. We learned WHY flipping the second fraction (the divisor) and then multiplying works, as well as when it is appropriate to divide straight across. We spent time working through word problems and determining which operation to use (multiplication or division).
Social Studies:
Chapter 12 of our History Alive! textbook focused on the Declaration of Independence. Students learned about Thomas Paine's book, Common Sense and how that text persuaded many colonists to become patriots and fight for our nation's independence. We also read the first part of the Declaration of Independence and interpreted its meaning.

Our Water Tolerance investigation has come to a close. We examined the plants in all four environments, measured them and even removed them from the soil to study their roots. We learned that the "wet" environment was the most successful environment overall, but that the barley plant tolerated the other environments better than the other plants.

5th Grade Play:
Rehearsals for Reviver: Philadelphia are well on their way. Students are rehearsing daily, memorizing their lines, and beginning to gather props/costumes for the play. Our evening performance will be Wednesday, June 12 at 6pm and our school performance will be Friday, June 14 at 1:30. We hope to see you at one of these shows!

Thank you for another great week. There are only 2.5 weeks of school left!! Wow! We still have a lot of learning going on in our classrooms as we wrap up the school year.

Have a fabulous weekend,
~Mrs. Hatlestad

Upcoming Events:
 04-June- Community Thank You Breakfast 7:30-8:30
07-June-Medina Elementary Family Night at Safeco Field
12-June 5th Grade Play 6:00pm
14-June 5th Grade Play 1:30
17-June - Medina Family Lunch BBQ: 5th grade at 12:10-1:10
18-June - End of Year All-School Assembly 8:30-9:30am
18-June - Field Day 12:15-2:15pm
19-June-5th Grade GRADUATION and Last Day of School (school ends at 10:10)

Looking Ahead:
03-September - FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL as 6th GRADERS!
23 Dec-03 Jan, 2014 - Winter Break
17-21, 2014 Feb - Mid-Winter Break
7-11, 2014 April - Spring Break

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