A Week in Review
September 30 - October 4
We had our first "Cocoa and Current Events" session on Thursday! Students were excited to share their articles, drink hot cocoa, and discuss current events. It was a great week, here is what we've been up to:
Virtue Awards:
John V. has earned a Virtue Award for demonstrating the virtues of LEADERSHIP and HELPFULNESS. John saw a student who needed help and without hesitation, stepped up to offer his assistance. Through his actions, he showed his classmates what it meant to be a leader.
Hilal M. has earned a Virtue Award for demonstrating the virtues of EXCELLENCE and RESPONSIBILITY. Hilal is always focused, always completes quality work, and always, always, always puts forth his best effort. He is a 5th grade leader.
We are conducting a joint read aloud with Ms. Keenan's class. Four times a week, we combine classes and enjoy a whole class read aloud. Currently, we are reading Five Pages a Day: A Writer's Journey by Peg Kehret. Students practice more than their listening skills, as they deepen their comprehension by discussing the text, making predictions, and answering higher level thinking questions. It is a beautiful book about a local author's journey to become a published writer.
Students wrote descriptive poems this week. We analyzed an image, brainstormed words and phrases the image provoked in our minds and from there created beautiful pieces of poetry. The whole class sample was based on a picture of Arlington Cemetery. We will be sharing this poem with the whole school during the Veterans' Day Assembly.
Unit 2 Perimeter and Area is off and running! We worked this week to learn how to convert measurements within the metric system (meter, decimeter, centimeter, millimeter) to find perimeter and area of rectangles, squares, triangles, and parallelograms. For many problems, students had to convert the measurement into a common unit of measure in order to find the correct answer, while also using the area and perimeter formulas to solve the problem.
Ms. Keenan taught science to our students this week. They worked on creating a topographic map using a 3D model of Mount Shasta. These maps allow you to see the elevation levels and visualize the steepness of each side of the mountain. This will help students with their Skokomish River Challenge, as they look at the different sites for the Evergreen Development Company.
Social Studies:
Chapter 1 concluded, as students wrapped up their learning on US geography. Students took an assessment on Friday on different geographic terms and physical features on a map of the United States.
Our next "Cocoa and Current Events" session will be Thursday, October 17th! Students need to find an article, fill out the graphic organizer and summarize the main ideas before the 17th!
Thank you for a wonderful weekend! It is a pleasure teaching and learning with your children each and every day.
Go Seahawks!
~Mrs. Hatlestad
Upcoming Events:
~Mrs. Hatlestad
Upcoming Events:
9 Oct - Walkathon
11 Oct - No School (Teacher Professional Development Day)
25 Oct - 5th Grade Parents Cocktail/Wine Tasting Party (7:30pm-9:30pm)
5 Nov - PTA General Assembly Meeting, 8:15
11 Nov - No School, Veterans' Day
18-23 Nov - Missoula Children's Theater
28-29 Nov - No School, Thanksgiving Break
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